“Lures”, 2024
ICA, London
Choreographed by Billy Morgan
In collaboration with and performed by Mami Kang, Billy Morgan and Alban Ovanessian
Produced by Jared Davis
Curated by Sara Sassanelli
Text by Billy Morgan
Music composed by Jasia Rabiej
Lighting design by Edward Saunders
Advised by Marija Cetinic
Styling in collaboration with Sammy Reynolds

Movement material developed with Saman Mahdavi and Jakob Wittkowsky

Developed through residencies at Bergen Kunsthall and ROZENSTRAAT
Funded by Arts Council England and Fondspodiumkunsten NL

“Hotelle”, 2023
Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff [2024], w Brzask, Warsaw [2024],
Text, piano accompaniment, performance by Billy Morgan
Duet variation featuring Simon Palazzi on piano

Photos Gergely Ofner

“TOVS-IOURS”, 2023

Supported by ICA, London
With Saman Mahdavi and jakob wittkowsky
Photos Gergely Ofner

“Deathletter”, 2023
Tteerriibbllee, Amsterdam

Photos Gergely Ofner

“Allmylife”, 2022
Alongside Tarek Lakhrissi and Olivia Douglass
Juf Project, Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Madrid

“In The Spirit Of The Place”, 2022
Solo exhibition
marytwo, Luzern

“Grottooo”, sculpture
“Plate Anthology”, series of nine glass engraved plates made by Glasi Hergiswil
“Taurus”, two-channel video installation filmed by Philipp Amaro, with performance by Ruth Kottman
Exhibition text by Beau Lai
Graphic design by Fabian Fretz
With thanks to Elvira Battig, Jack Pryce and Eva Maspoli
Featured on KubaParis

“He said she said”, “CURVE ON GLASS; MEAT”, 2022
Published poems
No No No Mag No.2
No More Poetry, Melbourne

“The View From Here”, 2022
The Place, London

“Day Into Night Into Day”, 2022

Radio work
Original music by jsa

Montez Press Radio NYC & Cashmere Radio Berlin

“And Die Among The Violets”, 2022

With Saman Mahdavi and jakob wittkowsky
Photos Matthieu La-Brossard

“E Morire Tra Le Viole / Sweet Nothings Songbook”, 2022
Erotic publication (epub)
Graphic design Billy Morgan

With texts by Billy Morgan, Saman Mahdavi and jakob wittkowsky

“New folk dances”, 2021

With Agne Auzelyte, Yujing Liu and Dora Brkaric

Photos Nellie de Boer

“1808”, 2021
Eau Salon, Zürich

“Probably dropped by a gravy robber”, 2021
Video work

With Sasu Korom

“Tired of initiation?”, 2021
Radio work
Original music by jsa
Montez Press Radio, NYC

“analyst”, 2021

Monthly Payment Project, Amsterdam & “THAT IS MY LEG”, Amsterdam

“A Celebration”, 2020
Sound work
Salon 14, Warsaw & Arsenic, Lausanne

“Songs of Poland”, 2020
Kem, Warsaw & Capitain Petzel Gallery, Berlin

“Cold open”, 2020
Video poem
Salon 14, Warsaw & Cosmos Carl Platform Parasite

“Cruellest of All”, 2018-19
Performance, in collaboration with Ania Nowak
U-jazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw

“Wet Look”, 2018
Krolikarnia Sculpture Garden, Warsaw